Day 7 | Taipei zoo 臺北市立動物

We went to the zoo zooo zoooo~~ today yeah! (:

19th stop : Taipei zoo  臺北市立動物

The tickets admission to the zoo is really cheap and worth but you must have the energy and time for that. We went there after our breakfast with our aunt and we took a train down to the the zoo station . 

They have two attractions in that station , one is the cable car ride to somewhere else and the other one is to zoo (: 

We bought our tickets at the main entrance, the weather was extremely hot that day and we started to sweat when we enter the first part of the zoo, the insect kingdom . 

They have a lot of Beatles , lizards and other cold blooded animals , quite interesting .The next part we went to was the panda station . They have two panda under their care , when we were there, one was very far behind and the zookeeper keep asking us to move on because the influx of people were too high and people at the front didn't want to move . The second one was eating bamboo is super cute hahas . 

After this, we went to see the koala bear , the face is super duper cute that you can't resist hahas . 

Well after this few station, everyone was tired and we didn't want to spend our day under the hot sun walking . So we left and head to this famous well know restaurant. Ding tai fung but we didn't get to eat it as the queue was extremely long as we were hungryyyy. The display board showed no. 8 while our queue number was 44...

You can see this from far ,, Very Very Tall Giraffe  

The two places that you can go . (1) 

The two places that you can go . (2) 

Finally (:

Tickets <3

Insect Exhibition 

Golden Cacoon (: 

White/Black Butterfly

White/Black Butterfly :D

They have this lucky charm that you can choose

and i got Beatles (: 

Time for Panda exhibition 

Baby  Panda

This is the real deal (:

Snake Year (:

Well of course we took a picture 
In the end we went to Taipei Main station to have our lunch, they have a range of international food in their food court , well it's like Singapore's food court . so here are some food that we had (:


Everyone that met us in Taiwan (:

<3 Will post the Sky Lantern next (: 


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